Oak Bay High School PAC


The Oak Bay Parent Advisory Council is the organized voice of the parents on all matters relating to your child’s secondary education, and is recognized as such by the teachers and administrators, as well as by School District 61 and the Ministry of Education.The goals of the Oak Bay Parent Advisory Council are:

  • To represent the interests of the parents in an effective and positive manner in all matters concerning the education of their children at Oak Bay Secondary School.
  • To facilitate communication between the school and the parents.
  • To provide support and assistance to the school in the educational process.
  • To provide parents with a meaningful way to participate in the education of their children.

Oak Bay 2023-2024 PAC Executive contact information:

Co-Chairs: Kalina Popova and James Chaney   cochairsobhpac@yahoo.com

Treasurer:  Wendy Fung Graham    obh.pac.treasurer@gmail.com
Secretary:  Karin Sweeney

VCPAC Rep:  Nyssa Temel

Kimberly Smit, Michelle Appleton, Beth Boyd, Hazel Currie, Craig Hickie, Kathryn Robertson

PAC Meeting Dates for the 2022/23 School Year

September 18, 2023  Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2023  Meeting Minutes

November 27, 2023  Meeting Minutes

January 15th 2024 Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2024  Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2024   Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2024  Meeting Minutes


PAC Meeting Dates for the 2022/23 School Year

September 26 2022  Meeting Minutes

October 17 2022  Meeting Minutes

November 21 2022  Meeting Minutes

December 5th 2022  Meeting Minutes

January 23rd 2023   Meeting Minutes

February 27 2023  Meeting Minutes

April 17 2023  Meeting Minutes

May 15 2023  Meeting Minutes

Oak Bay PAC Facebook Page

Pac Meeting Dates and Minutes 2021/2022 School Year

Monday September 20th 2021  Meeting Minutes

Monday October 18th 2021  Meeting Minutes

Monday November 15th  Meeting Minutes

Monday January 24th 2022  Meeting Minutes

Monday February 28th 2022  Meeting Minutes

March (No meeting held)

Monday April 25th 2022  Meeting Minutes


Pac Meeting Dates and Minutes 2020/2021 School Year

Monday September 21st 2020   Meeting Minutes

Monday November 23rd 2020  Meeting Minutes

Monday January 18th 2021  Meeting Minutes 

Monday February 22nd  Meeting Minutes

March (No meeting)

Monday April 19th  Meeting Minutes

Monday May 17th (AGM)  Meeting Minutes


Application for Funding from the Oak Bay PAC

PAC Donation: $20 – Optional
PAC is once again seeking a voluntary donation of $20 per student.  As in past years, funds raised will supplement money provided to the PAC by the BC Gaming Commission, and expand the type of initiatives PAC is able to fund. Should you wish to contribute more than the suggested amount, please contact Ms. A. Piazza in the school accounts office at apiazza@sd61.bc.ca. For more information about the PAC voluntary donation, please visit this LINK.




PAC Meeting Dates and Minutes 2019/2020 School Year 

PAC Meeting Dates 2018-2019 School Year

September 24, 2018 7:00 pm Library   Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2018 7:00 pm Library   Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2018 7:00 pm Library   Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2018 7:00 pm Library  Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2019 7:00 pm Library    Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2019 7:00 pm Library  Meeting Minutes (No Feb. meeting due to snow day school closure)

March 11, 2019 7:00 pm Library  Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2019 7:00 pm Library    Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2019 AGM 7:00 pm Library  Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2019 7:00 pm Library   Meeting Minutes

2017-2018 Pac Meeting Dates

September 25, 2017         7:00 pm Library   *Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2017              7:00 pm Library    *Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2017         7:00 pm Library     *Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2017          7:00 pm Library    *Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2018              7:00 pm Library     *Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2018            7:00 pm Library    *Meeting  Minutes
March 12, 2018                  7:00 pm Library    *Meeting  Minutes
April 23, 2018                     7:00 pm Library    *Meeting  Minutes
May 14, 2018 AGM            7:00 pm Library    *Meeting  Minutes
June 11, 2018                     7:00 pm Library     *Meeting  Minutes


PAC Meeting Minutes Feb- May 2017

Feb 27th PAC Meeting
Mar 13th PAC Meeting
April 24th PAC Meeting
May 29th PAC Meeting
June 12th PAC Meeting