September 11, 2019

Daily Announcements

September 11th, 2019     



Jr. Boys Volleyball tryouts after school in the big gym TODAY and TOMORROW.

There will be a ROWING meeting in Room 304 today – everyone please attend to ensure you can go on the water on Friday.

All outdoor pursuits students meet in the cafeteria today after school.

The next cross country team practice is Friday, September 13th. New members are still welcome to join the team. All cross country Mystery Tour forms are due by end of day tomorrow (Thursday, September 12th).

Anyone interested joining this years robotics team, meet in room 151 after school TODAY. 

Last years woodworkers, come to the woodshop to pick up last years projects. They will be recycled at the end of the week.

To anyone in Yoga for Mindfulness, you need to attend an info session Thursday at lunch OR Thursday after school in the dance studio.  If you have any questions please see Ms. Beyer or Ms. Baker.  Thank you!

There will  be a mandatory meeting for all students enrolled in CLE/CLC online here at Oak Bay on Thursday, at lunch in room 304.

Caitlyn Huffman please see Ms. Taggart in room 304 at lunch TODAY.

Girls Developmental Team Field Hockey players, please come to the office to pick up your forms,

Anyone interested in joining student council, the first meeting is TODAY at lunch in room 145.  All grades are welcome!

Grade 12’s if you did not make the scholarship class meeting this past Monday, there will be another one TODAY at lunch in room 211

Anyone wanting to be involved in the Senior Musical “Fiddler on the Roof” please come to a short meeting after school TODAY in the Theatre.

Interested in exploring the Mayan Rainforest and Caribbean Beaches? Operation Wallacea (2020) is going to Mexico for rainforest and sea turtle research this summer. Meeting Thursday at lunch for new and signed up students in room 227 with Mr. Ashurst.

Jr Girls Volleyball tryouts:
Wednesday, Sept 11th @ 5:00pm Big Gym
Thursday, Sept 12th@ 5:00 Big Gym(first practice with selected student-athletes)

Attention Math Students,
-Would you like to complete your math class faster or complete two math classes in the same year? OR do math outside the Timetable instead of inside?
-Please talk to your Math Teacher, See tspray in 309 AND sign up here​ for more information.
-Please come to Amp Meetings: Support and Inspiration every Thursday in Focus block 

Choir reminders returning and new singers:
Senior Concert Choir – Monday & Wednesday at lunch
Junior Concert Choir – Tuesday & Thursday at lunch
Men’s Choir – Wednesday at 7:30am
Ladies Choir – Thursday at 7:30am 

Outside the Timetable Courses, please click on the link below

Previous Announcements

Water Safety Instruction Courses – Are you interested in a great paying job?  Sign up with Saanich Common Wealth place for any of the following.  Option 2 does not show up in the Active Living Guide.  You need to call the rec center to get in these two classes.
Option 1: Complete WSI Course
This course covers all of the four modules in the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Program (Skills Assessment, Online, Teaching Experience and Classroom/Pool) in a 10 class format. The course dates are Saturdays Sept 21 – Nov 30 from 9:00 am to various end times. If you are successful in this course, you will leave with the full WSI Certification! This course is available for registration with barcode 25382 and costs $425.00+tax.
Option 2: WSI Step 1
Offered Thursday Sept 19 + 26 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm. In this brief course, you will demonstrate your swimming, first aid, and emergency response skills. If your skills are completed through by your instructor trainer, you will be given access to the Online course and Teaching Experience Hours for you to do on your own schedule. Barcode 26303 cost $215.00
AND WSI Step 2 Offered in December. This course is to be completed once an individual has completed WSI Step 1, their Online course and their Teaching Experience hours. Please see the Saanich RecOnline website for dates and times. Barcode 26304 and cost is $200.00. 

Encounters With Canada is looking to fill up the following session in Ottawa.
Please note that the following themes are open to any student wanting to apply right now.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre if you are interested.
Science & Ecology – September 1-7, 2019
# of participants still needed: 63
Science & Technology – September 15-21, 2019
# of participants still needed: 65
Sports & Fitness – September 29 – October 5, 2019
# of participants still needed: 79
Global Affairs – October 6-12, 2019
# of participants still needed: 46
Media & Communications – October 13-19, 2019
# of participants still needed: 55 

The Rotary Clubs of Harbourside, Oak Bay and Victoria annually sponsor a long-term Rotary Youth Exchange Program. They are currently accepting applications for the 2020/2021 school year. The on-line applications are due Friday, September 27, 29019 and the screening of local applicants will start shortly after that.  More information on this amazing opportunity can be found at .

Job Opportunities



Volunteers are needed for the Terry Fox Run at Mile 0 on September 15th from 9am – 11am.  Please contact Connie Hearty at 250-896-6149.