October 4, 2018

Daily Announcements

October 4th, 2018     

  • CAFETERIAGourmet Hot Dogs


All mentors please attend a meeting in room 206 TODAY at LUNCH.

The first meeting for this year’s Environment Club will be at lunch TODAY in room 233 (Mr Shrubsole’s room).  Come on out as we decide what projects and activities we want to focus on this year.  To join the club remind app, use the code https://www.remind.com/join/obenv

The first Youth Against Cancer meeting will be on Friday October 5th at LUNCH in room 304.

Senior Boys Basketball tryouts will be on TUESDAY, October 9th at 6:30pm.

Please dismiss members of the Jr. Boys Volleyball Team at 2:30 PM today to allow for transportation to their league match.

Any students interested in joining Math Club, please join the remind at: @obmathclub (778)653-6277.  Any students wanting to participate in math competitions, go to: bit.ly/mathcomp2018.

On Friday, October 5th, The Saanich Braves will be playing the Victoria Cougars in a hockey game fundraiser for Soap for Hope, a branch of Disaster Aid Canada.  Tickets are only $5 and can be bought Monday or Tuesday at LUNCH in room 209.  If interested and you can’t find where the tickets are send an email to leahs752@sd61learn.ca.  We hope to see you there!

Badminton Club is starting up!!  All skill levels are welcome!  If you’re interested in joining, there will be a short MANDATORY meeting on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th in the Cafeteria during FOCUS.  Can’t wait to see you all there!!

PSAT – Reminder to those students who have paid and signed up that the test is here in the cafeteria at 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Wednesday Oct. 10th.  Don’t forget your ID.

St Michael’s is hosting a Vancouver Island College Event (30 American colleges in attendance) on Oct. 9th, 3:30 – 5:30 pm in the schools single gymnasium.

Several US Colleges will be in the cafeteria during focus block on Friday Oct. 12th.

Western University will be in the Career Centre after school on Friday Oct. 12th.

Carleton University will be in the Career Centre after school on Monday Oct. 15th.

Oak Bay students are invited to attend the following:
Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale Information Session
Wednesday, October 17th at 7:00 pm

St. Michaels University School, 3400 Richmond Road
Admissions representatives from each school will discuss academic programs, campus life, selective college admissions and financial aid.  Please bring your family and friends.
Registration is optional but encouraged. Event Registration 

Upcoming District Events

  • Parents as Career Coaches Parent Workshop:  Monday, Oct. 22nd 7:30 to 9:30 Richmond Elementary Gym
  • Careers, Trades & Transitions Information Night: Tuesday, Oct. 30th, 6:30-7:30 Reynolds Theatre

Springboard for Gr 11 &12 – Design Challenge at  ‘Camosun Innovates ‘
Thursday, October 25th  –  All day
Camosun Innovates space at the Interurban Campus
Applications available in the Career Center and are Due October 17th
Up to 36 student are invited to explore and experience the Camosun Innovates space through hands-on design challenge activities as well as tour the Camosun Interurban campus, including information on dual credit and programs for high school graduates.

VICE Fair – Vancouver Island College Event USA Colleges & Universities Fair Tuesday, October 9th from 3:30 – 5:00 pm. at St Michaels University School Single Gym.  Please see the list of attending universities on the poster outside the Career Centre.

Work BC Victoria Job FairThursday October 18th 2018 from 1:00 to 4:00 at Central Baptist Church.  Please see the poster outside the Career Centre for some of the employers who  will be at the fair.  Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/workbc-victoria-2018-job-fair-tickets-50284803200

Grade 11 and 12’s are welcome to attend the university presentations in the Career Centre over the next couple of months.  Check the link below frequently for dates and times as they are subject to change. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q9G6IGT3LQ8SZhoi3560vMWAZqXAb_rmJGIwmJIb2io/edit?ts=5b96d1ec

Previous Announcements

Camosun Innovates Design Challenge – Thursday October 25th at Camosun Interurban Campus.  Successful grade 11 & 12 applicants will have the opportunity to experience a hands-on design challenge, tour the campus and learn about dual credit opportunities.  Transportation from a central meeting location will be provided.  Applications are in the Career Centre and must be completed and returned into Mrs. Giesbrecht by Wednesday, October 17.  Don’t delay, seating is limited.

Southern Gulf Islands Fire/Rescue Cadet Camp – Are interested in firefighting as a career?  Apply now for the Fire Fighters Camp which will take place over spring break from March 18th to 23rd.  Successful applicants will be staying and working day and night at the fire hall.  See Mrs. Giesbrecht as soon as possible to let her know that you will be applying and to pick up an application. The medical appointment need not happen until the student has an interview scheduled for late November and the $200 fee does not have to be paid until the student has been offered a seat in the program.  Applications are due into Mrs. Giesbrecht by November 7th so they will make it to the program organiser by November 8th.  NOTE: THE APPLICATION DEADLINE ON THEIR WEBSITE IS INCORRECT (IT IS NOT NOVEMBER 16TH).  Don’t delay your application.  Get it is to Mrs. Giesbrecht  as soon as you can.

Applications for SHAD 2019 are officially open and due by November 19.
A quick refresher on SHAD:|
High potential students spend July living at a university while engaging in hands-on learning in STEAM & Entrepreneurship
SHAD looks for grade 10, 11 or 12 students who are: involved in their communities, creative & keen learners
A range of bursaries are available, ensuring the program is accessible to students with demonstrated financial need. Last year, we awarded over one million dollars in bursaries and scholarships. The cost of the program should not be the reason a student does not apply!  See Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre if you have any questions.

2018 Imagining Possibilities Conference, a free, day long conference for one hundred young women between the ages of 15 and 24, who are wondering ‘what’s next’. Imagining Possibilities is about providing these girls with access to role models, career information and tools needed to find their way forward. This year’s conference will be held November 1 from 9:00 to 2:30, at the Chiefs’ and Petty Officers’ Mess, 1575 Lyall St, Esquimalt.  See Mrs. Giesbrecht for more information.

Pacific Opera– Anyone interested in coming to “Beethoven’s Fidelio”, it is playing on Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00pm at the Royal Theatre.  Tickets are $15, if you are interested in going please see Manjit in room 213 after school.

Job Opportunities

Noodle Box on Shelbourne St. is looking for a server and a cashier.  Apply here.  https://ca.indeed.com/job/server-and-cashier-401c21385c2a0cf0

A local family with three daughters ages 7, 8 and 9 is looking for some after school babysitting.  The babysitting course is an asset but not required, resumes are great but even a simple “about me” is fantastic too.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht if you are interested.


Volunteer at any or all of the University of Victoria, Scamps Day Camps on Pro D Days.
Dates: October 19th, November 23rd, February 15th, and May 17th.
The Faculty of Humanities seeks volunteers to help facilitate our Pro-D day camps this school year. We have camps in both French Immersion and English language environments, along a variety of themes. Code Crackers, Clash of Kings, Text Bytes, Goddesses and Gladiators, Aventures en français, Les débrouillards, Sous l’océan and Aventures dans la forêt.  If you are interested in volunteering for any or all of our dates, please contact Stephen Ross at scamps@uvic.ca

Cyber Seniors Student Schedule 2018-2019:  If you like technology this might be the perfect volunteering opportunity for you.
Orientation: Tues October 23rd 3:45-5:00 (1.25hrs)

  • Volunteering Tuesday’s 3:45-4:45pm     Oct 30th – Dec 18th          (8 Sessions, 8hrs total)
  • Volunteering Tuesday’s 3:45-4:45pm     Feb 5th – March 12th     (6 Sessions, 6hrs total)
  • Volunteering Tuesday’s 3:45-4:45pm     April 2nd – May 21st      (8 Sessions, 8hrs total)
  • Finale Party: Tues May 28th 3:45-4:45pm (1hr)

Location: 1307 Hillside Avenue, The Cridge Village Seniors Centre, big brick building at the top of the property, access off of Kings St as well.  Contact Alison Chamberlain at 250-220-2303 or email her at achamberlain@cridge.org

 Canucks Autism Network is looking for volunteerswww.canucksautism.ca/volunteer
We run highly supported sports and recreation activities for children, teens and young adults with autism.  Volunteer roles include: set up/take down of equipment, support using visuals, support staff with participants and enthusiastic participants.  We have online training that teaches about Autism Spectrum Disorder and we also have an onsite supervisor at every session to help with hands on learning.  Moreover, our programs are really fun and interactive and take place outside of school hours.  We have the following positions open in Victoria:
I Can Swim Saturdays 4-5:45, September 29th to November 24th at Juan Du Fuca Recreation Centre
I Can Play Sports and Be Active Saturdays 1:15-3, October 10th to November 28th  at Royal Oak Middle School
I Can Skate 4:30-5:30, September 29th to December 8th  at Juan Du Fuca Recreation Centre
Miscellaneous family and community events throughout the year

Margaret Jenkins is looking for volunteers.  They are looking for a roster of volunteer babysitters. This suits senior students that live close to Margaret Jenkins School (Fairfield Road and Foul Bay).   Commitment would be from 6:45-8:45 on the last Thursday of the month (no meeting in Dec, March, July, Aug).   For more information please see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre.

Women in Need With your help we can continue to empower and support over 1200 women each year as they strive for wellness and self-sufficiency.  Contact volunteer@womeninneed.ca to express your interest or call 250-480-4006.