Daily Announcements
October 29th, 2021
Practice for Senior Girls basketball at 5 pm TODAY in the small gym.
Grade 9 Jr. girls basketball tryouts are TODAY after school in the small gym.
Enter if you dare! Student Council is hosting a Halloween Hallway TODAY at lunch and afterschool from 3:30-5:00. It will be in the choir/band hallway and you can bring canned goods to donate.
Cross Country meeting in room 313 after school before heading outside.
Looking for something spooky and interesting for this Halloween, along with a chance to win a prize? Leadership is having a Halloween Costume Contest starting on October 27th. Everyone is welcome to join and send their photos. To see more information and upload your photos, you can go to this link: bit.ly/obhalloween. All the photos must be submitted by November 1st.
Discover UBC’s Okanagan Campus Nov. 4th from 4-6pm. Learn about UBC’s Okanagan campus, its close-knit community and its work-class academic experience from our advisors. Hear from current students, as they share their stories and perspectives on their experience of this wonderful unique campus. Register now as space is limited. https://account.you.ubc.ca/s/events
Katimavik’s National Experience
Katimavik is a life-changing experience for young adults to explore Canada, make new friendships, gain valuable experience and contribute to positive change through volunteerism. Spend 5 months in communities across Canada, volunteering and learning as part of our fully funded, immersive youth program. They are now accepting applications for the July to December cohort. To learn more go to www.katimavik.org
US College Connect – Navigating the US College Admissions Process – Oct. 28th from 3:00 to 5:00pm PDT. Meet with American Universities, NCAA, Admission, Financing Experts, Student & Parent Ambassadors, and more! Learn about the admission process, timelines & eligibility requirements for international students, student athletes, financial aid, scholarships and more!
Free Admission | Pre-Registration Required. https://uscollegeexpo.com/connect-registration
University Info Sessions – Mandatory sign up to attend a session!!
Nov. 3rd Camosun College Nursing – at lunch – Library Click here to sign up
Nov. 3rd University of Alberta 3pm – Library Click here to sign up
Nov. 9th St.FX at lunch – Career Centre
*If you are unable to access the links from here please go to the Career Centre website. https://oakbaycareercentre.weebly.com/
Western University is hosting several virtual information sessions of different content and times to meet all students’ busy schedules. Take a look and sign up at this link. https://welcome.uwo.ca/what-is-western-like/presentations-events.html
Get to know the University of Toronto – sign up for online information sessions at this link. https://discover.utoronto.ca/
Join Dalhousie University to explore faculties, learn about supports, connect with profs and students, and get a feel for student life on November 6th. Register here to attend. https://www.dal.ca/admissions/open_house.html
SFU will be hosting several types of information session online over the next few months. Please go to the link if you are interested in learning more or applying. https://www.sfu.ca/students/admission/tours-events/upcoming.html
Visit the Career Centre website for upcoming University Sessions and how you can attend. https://oakbaycareercentre.weebly.com/
Previous Announcements
Congratulations to the Development Field Hockey Team for making it to the Island Championships and coming in 2nd place overall!
Students, the Yearbook needs your Summer photos!! With every photo submission, you will be entered into a draw for a $25 Starbucks gift card!! Please submit your photos here: bit.ly/obsummer2021
Tennis Club: We play every Wednesday Morning from 7:05 until 8:15. 5 steps to join the tennis club
Google classroom code :ezepmdz
Fill out the sign up sheet inside google classroom
Bring 5$ the first time you come for tennis balls
Attend to Oak Bay Rec Covid Rules: Please read inside google classroom
Have fun. We will supply a racket if you do not have one.
Volunteering Opportunities
Great volunteer opportunity to assist seniors, sharing your computer and IT Skills at Marion Village an assistive living and independent care complex close by. Residents would likely need assistance with social networking media, email, connecting with family on zoom as well as aps and cell phone help. Please see Ms. Giesbrecht if you are interested in this position.
Job Opportunities
Western Educational Adventures has posted their Summer Camp jobs and volunteer positions. More information can be found here on the programs and how to apply.
Tim Horton’s at Hillside Mall and other locations is hiring for afternoons, weekends and holidays. They can be flexible and work around your schedule. Please drop your resume off to Sherwin and let him know that you are from Oak Bay.
The Old Spaghetti Factory is currently hiring in entry level positions such as Dishwashing and Bussing. We can provide flexible work schedules that will allow you to balance school and work. Shifts are in the evenings and weekends. We will provide hands on training, tips, free meals, great discounts, and other great benefits! If you are interested in applying, please apply in person between 3-5 any day, or email your resume at victoria@osf.ca
The University of Victoria Foods Services is hiring in all positions. Great pay and flexible hours. Please email your cover letter and resume to eat@uvic.ca
The Fort St. Whitespot is hiring part time workers for 8-20 hours per week in their kitchen. Please drop your resume and cover letter off at the Fort St. location.
Berwick Retirement Communities is hiring. Marquise Hospitality is looking to hire culinary, food and beverage service, housekeeping and laundry services to Senior Living Communities. Please email your resume and cover letter to: Dale Fudge, Director of Hospitality at dale.fudge@compass-canada.com