October 20, 2020

Daily Announcements

October 20th, 2020



Please check your sd61learn accounts. Your were sent your MyEd Password.  You must sign in on a computer first, then you can set it up on your phone.

Youth @ The Booth – Elections BC is hiring students.  Please click the link for more information.  https://elections.bc.ca/employment/youth-at-the-booth-election-workers/  Email your application to applyobg@elections.bc.ca

 Cultural Connections Club will be meeting in Room 225 on Tuesday’s at lunch. The Club brings together different cultures from around the world by  having domestic and international students learn more about each other through food, movies, language and conversation. All are welcome to join!

 UBC is hosting a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 21 October from 10.00 am – 11.00am.  This is for all students and any parents that would like to take part in an information session with time for questions at the end. You can register directly with UBC https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5BZNiAXSX5KkaCV 
for this session at the link or email Ms. Giesbrecht sgiesbrecht@sd61.bc.ca ​to be added to the zoom link.

 If you missed the webinar on Oct 15th you can join this one.  British Columbia Webinar  https://admission.uoguelph.ca/events/webinar-series  Calling all British Columbia applicants – on Wednesday, October 28th, 4:00pm-5:00pm (PT), your invited to learn more about the U of Guelph degree programs, campus life, student services and more! Register on our webinar series page today for this live event!  Check out our 2021 domestic viewbook online! https://issuu.com/uofgadmission/docs/uofg_2021_viewbook_final_pages

Acadia University  is having information sessions over the next few weeks.  Please take a look at the link if you are interested in attending one.  https://www2.acadiau.ca/future-students.html#stayuptodate

The GSA or Gay/Straight Alliance is meeting again in Room 208 at lunch every Tuesday.  All students are welcome.

For all the latest information and regular updates from the Career Centre please click https://oakbaycareercentre.weebly.com/whats-going-on

UVic – upcoming events to watch for – https://www.uvic.ca/undergraduate/tours-events/events/index.php

Previous Announcements

Save the date!  UVic will be hosting an information zoom session for Oak Bay students and parents on October 26th at 7:00pm. Stephanie Parker will be sharing information on the application process, scholarships, deadlines, self-reporting and their new website.   Please mark your calendars and watch the website and announcements for further information and the link to join. The update will also be posted on the Career Centre website.  https://oakbaycareercentre.weebly.com/whats-going-on

Have you ever thought about working in the Film industry?  Join Brian Globus from the Vancouver Island South Film And Medial Commission for an 11:25am Zoom on October 28th.   Email Ms. Giesbrecht in the Careers Center for information and registration!

Are you or is your child needing more support in their courses?  Do you just need a quiet space to get some work done?  Did you miss a test or other learning due to an absence?  Do you need to re-write a test?
Any Oak Bay High student has the following options:
– On the afternoons that you do not have a C block class, as space permits, students are encouraged and welcomed to work in the library.  Please check in with the librarian or library clerk upon arrival.
– Every Wednesday afternoon for term 1 (the first half of quarter 1), students can book time with their teacher(s) to receive support.  Students should discuss this with their classroom teacher.  The library is also open during this time.
– Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, there are staff in the library ready to support students with their learning and/or supervise a test/retest that has been pre-arranged with their classroom teacher.  To reserve a seat during one of these days, please talk to your classroom teacher or email Ms Bender (sabender@sd61.bc.ca).  Drop ins are also welcome as long as there is space for all students and staff to remain 6-feet apart with masks on.

TEAC 105 – Explorations in Technology at Camosun  (grades 10-12) February 2021 start date.
Students interesting in exploring mechanical engineering, electronics, civil engineering and computer science will be introduced to career options and basic skills to help support their post-secondary decision making.  This course is on Friday afternoons for 13 weeks.  There is an application fee of $43.51 but students do not pay for the course.  Please contact Ms. Giesbrecht if you are interested in applying.

Any students who do not have the Oak Bay App can download it here to see daily announcements.  Also, daily announcements are posted to the Oak Bay website.