Daily Announcements
June 18th, 2021
Attention all dual credit students 2021-2022 year.
Please check your Dual Credit classroom asap for a message from Ms. Giesbrecht. If you have one, response to it immediately. This request must be completed and back into Ms. Giesbrecht by Monday June 21st.
Our GSA/Pride Club with student Council is handing out more free buttons until Friday!! Come out to the front of the school at lunch to grab a button!
Congratulations to our final winners of the Oak Bay Book Read for 2021!
- Emilia Quibell
- Marcella Andrushchak
- Ariel Fischer
You have all won a $15 gift certificate for either Bolen Books, Starbucks or the Itunes app store.
Head to the library to claim your prize!!
Congrats to all our winners and readers of the Oak Bay Book Read this year. Your brain thanks you =)
Want a Sneak Peek into the World of Mobile Game Development? This summer get the inside scoop on what it takes to build and market a thought-provoking word puzzle game that will help boost public literacy for millions, through the Educational Technology Assistant Volunteer position, a unique collaboration between HighTechU and Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA) Games, a nonprofit organization focused on boosting linguistic, scientific, and cultural literacy. https://hightechu.ca/2021/05/21/volunteer-with-idea-games/
The Province of BC announced the launch of the Foundry BC app, which offers young people aged 12 to 24 and their caregivers access to integrated health and wellness services. Please share with your school communities. Visit the Foundry Virtual BC web page to download the app or to access the web portal online.
WHAT MAKES A GOOD SIDE-HUSTLE? Side-hustles are micro businesses you can run out of your home to make some money. Please join a zoom-based entrepreneurship workshop exclusively for grade 10 & 11 students, by UVIC’s Gustavson School of Business on May 25 or 27. Click the link for more information and to register. https://oakbaycareercentre.weebly.com/news–event
Previous Announcements
The Link Summer School Session this year is from June 28 – July 28. It will be delivered in a “guided asynchronous” format. This means that you can work on your own time. Plan to dedicate 20 hours per week per course. In person support will be offered twice a week by your teacher. To see all the details please click the link for a Pdf. https://thelink.sd61.bc.ca/school-spotlight/dl-summer-session/ Registration opened on May 10th at this link for a variety of grade 10, 11 and 12 classes.
SOAR is a social enterprise based out of Toronto with a mission of fostering a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship in 21st-century learners through school and community programs. The SOAR Summer Innovation Camp is an interactive virtual program designed to immerse students entering Grades 7-12 in the world of entrepreneurship and innovation through project-based learning challenges. Camp participants will have the opportunity to engage in live workshops, take part in design challenges, learn from diverse entrepreneur guest speakers/mentors, and collaborate with like minded peers to create their own ventures. This year’s camp program will be offered in two 4-week sessions for students (July 5th-30th; August 3rd-27th). Further information about this year’s program is available at soaredu.ca/soar-summer-programs. Although there is a fee involved in the camp, we have financial assistance options to ensure greater equity for all interested in participating.
Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteer this summer at summer camps. Quadratic Sound offers STEM based camps for kids and is looking for grade 11 or 12 student volunteers who wish to gain experience working with children as well as work in a fun team-oriented environment. These STEM based camps involve Minecraft Modding, Science, Game Design, Lego Robotics and more. This is ideal for someone who wants to work with kids and is possibly looking to go into education at university after high school. Send your resume to our camps team camps@quadraticsound.com
Are you still looking for volunteer hours to graduate? A local resident is looking to have a couple of students help move some soil into planter boxes. Please see Ms. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre for her contact information if you are interested.
Job Opportunities
Kingston Carpentry & Timber is looking to hire grade 12 students who are interested in becoming carpenters as a career after high school. If you are interested please see Ms. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre for more information.
A local Oak Bay resident is looking for gardening help. She is looking for someone 2-3 hour twice a week, @ $15/hour. Please see Ms. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre if you are interested.
Social Visits Greeter
Mount St. Mary Hospital provides complex long term care to 200 residents in downtown Victoria.
The Social Visits Greeter adds to the quality of life of people who live at Mount St. Mary Hospital. In keeping with the COVID-19 Orders of the Provincial Health Officer the Social Greeter’s primary role is greeting and engaging with visitors and others entering the building to ensure their attendance at the site is essential and/or scheduled. Supports the safety of residents, by screening visitors, and communicating information and directions. Assists residents leaving for outings. Please see the link for more details and to apply. https://ca.indeed.com/job/social-visits-greeter-4649063570fa5f4a
The Old Spaghetti Factory is hiring part-time servers and hostesses.
Server: https://www.86network.com/jobs/victoria/bc/the-old-spaghetti-factory-victoria/server-p77xxa
Hostess: https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobposting/34257522?token=102:-35:92:-19:74:-120:76:36:86:-51:-66:107:-121:16:-126:63:86:-16:126:-61:-11:17:-80:41:-113:-37:93:-63:49:80:-1:37:-96:65:-82:-7:-112:-107:-34:62&subid=6617243&source=ja
Do you want to work for the Government of Canada? The Federal Student Work Experience program job application and information can be found in the link. https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp-psc.gc.ca/srs-sre/page01.htm?poster=1&lang=en