January 21, 2019

Daily Announcements

January 21st, 2019     

  • CAFETERIA – Tacos
  • NUTTY’S LOCKER – Closed


Would the following students please see Ms. Taggart in Room 304 today at lunch:
Leith Balson
Kyla Basbaum
Sarah Bryan
​Jamie Dand
Axl De Jong
Aidan Della Siega
Elena Doricic-Luton
Ethan Duke
Tucker Hoey
Rainier Koch
Jasmine Lee
Rachel Li

Oak Bay Talent Show – Thursday, January 24th at 6:00pm in the Theatre.  Admission is FREE.

Congratulations to the ski and snowboard team on an awesome first race day at Mt. Washington.   We had some new team members including grade 9’s that made TOP 10.  Our boys’ snowboard team WON for the FIRST TIME EVER; in fact, we took the top 5 spots – Evan Graham winning GOLD!  Super impressive boys!  We have a FULL Girls’ Snowboard Team  for the FIRST TIME EVER and they also WON!  What a massive improvement in snowboard land.  The Boys’ Ski Team WON this Island event – Griffin Hart in 1st.  7 of the top 10 boy ski racers were from Oak Bay – particularly impressive!  The Girls’ Ski Team were SECOND – 4 of the top 10 racers were from Oak Bay.   There were a number of club racers in this category and over 40 competitors!

Grade 11 Bursary for Science StudentsDeeley Research Centre – Xavier Pelletier High School Internship Program is once again offering their Summer Internship Program.  This program is for a student interested in cancer research and the pursuit of post-secondary education in a related field (i.e. medicine, biology, chemistry, physics etc.)  The ideal candidate for the program is a team player, creative, independent, interested in lab science, excellent at problem solving and have a high maturity level.  Students who apply must have a minimum overall 85% projected average in Bio. 11 or 12 and any two of math, chemistry or physics.  Students awarded this opportunity will need to be available to work full time during the summer between grade 11 and 12 and upon completion will be granted a $3000 bursary for their post-secondary education.    Oak Bay is able to nominate two grade 11 students for this opportunity.  Students interested in applying must meet in the Career Centre at lunch on Tuesday Jan. 22nd for details on the application process and deadlines.

Grade 11 students who may want to attend University of Alberta can apply to fly free to the university in Edmonton for the weekend of May 24-26.   Apply before Feb. 10, 2019.    https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions/undergraduate/tours-and-events/boarding-ualberta

For all those students interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee for OBH please come to a short meeting on Thursday January 24th at Lunch in the BIG gym.
If you cannot make the meeting then please email your name, grade and birthday to davep@islandnet.com or leave your name with Janna White in the office to pass onto Dave P.
If you can make the meeting, please remember to sign up on the list which will be provided.
We will be looking to build on our successes at last year Provincials on the mainland. 

Come support and cheer on the dedicated and talented dancers of OBH.  Get your tickets now!  Evening of Dance will be on January 22nd & 23rd at 7:00pm in the Theatre.  You can purchase your tickets online here, or see Ms. Adams in the Accounts office.  $10 for adults & $8 for students/seniors.

All grads please fill in the form for your Yearbook quote.  http://bit.ly/2019gradquote​​  Due date is the end of January.

Grade 12 students who have NOT written the Graduation Numeracy Assessment are scheduled to write on Tuesday, January 22nd.  This assessment will begin at 8:30 AM in the library and students are given up to 3 hours to complete it.  An email has been sent to the applicable students and their families. Click here to see the list of students scheduled to write the exam.    A copy of this email is posted in the front office window along with the list of students who are scheduled to write the assessment.  THIS ASSESSMENT IS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION.  Please check this list to make sure that you are on it as you do not want to jeopardize your graduation.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Paas.

Previous Announcements

Are you interested in becoming a pilot?  Viking Air and the Greater Victoria School District are having an exploration day on Friday February 15th (pro d day) from 9:00am-1:30pm.  Students will explore the world of aviation at Viking Air through interactive and hands-on activities.  If you are interested in applying please see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre.

DOT – Doors Open to Technology – This one day event will highlight the career opportunities available in the growing technology sector.  Students from grade 9-12 who attend the event will leave with new information, inspiration and experiences that help to shape their future career paths. It is on Feb. 5th from 9:00am to 3:00pm and applications are due into Mrs. Giesbrecht by Jan 29th. Interested students can pick up an application in the Career Centre.

University of King’s College – Halifax will host an information evening on Tuesday, February 5th from 7-8pm (doors open at 6:30) at Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort, Cowichan Room.  Attendees can apply to King’s for free (save $65!) Learn more & RSVP at www.ukings.ca/bc-info . Get in touch with kimberly.gosse@ukings.ca if you have any questions.

Friday Night Mario & Pizza Party at The Learning Centre
Bring your friends and come join The Learning Centre team for a fun filled evening on Friday January 25th for FREE Pizza and a Mario Cart competition from 4:00-7:00pm. Winner gets a prize! 

The Fairmont Empress is having a Career Fair day on January 24, 2019 from 9am to 12pm in the Crystal Ballroom.  Meet with leaders from their hotel for an on-the-spot interview and see what The Empress has to offer!  Bring your resume.

Women In Trades & Technology – Oak Bay is able to send four girls (grades 9 – 12) to take part in a trades and technology day at Camosun College Interurban Campus on Wednesday Feb. 20th from 9:30am to 2:15pm.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht if you would like more information or to apply.  The four seats reserved for Oak Bay will be filled on a first come first serve basis.   Don’t delay!

Anyone interested in “La Traviata” playing at the Royal Theatre on Tuesday, February 12th @ 7:00pm.  Tickets are $15, see Manjit afterschool in room 213.

It is coming up on Math Contest time!
Did you know that there are several Math Contests that students can compete in, for fun or for the challenge, or for the school.
Grade 9 students may write the following:
MathChallengers. Friday, Feb 22. A team of 5 will spend all afternoon at Camosun College Interurban campus to compete against other Island schools. Winning team then goes to Vancouver to compete provincially. A pretest will be needed to choose the team. Please watch for future announcements about that.
The Pascal Contest. Tuesday, Feb. 26, block A. This is a one hour contest right here at Oak Bay, most likely in the cafeteria.
Grade 10 students may compete in:
MathChallengers (for the first time)…same details as for grade 9’s.
The Cayley Math contest…same day, place and time as the Pascal above.
Grade 11 students may compete in the Fermat Math contest…same day, place and time as the Cayley and Pascal contests above
Grade 12 students may write the Euclid contest on Wednesday April 3, most likely all afternoon in the library, though this has yet to be confirmed.
If you are interested in writing ANY of these contests, please speak to your Math teacher, and get old contests to practice on. We will be confirming your desire to write these contests near the end of January as we need to order and pay for them before the contest dates.

Cst Perry has set up a questions/concerns box at the table in the counsellor center. Please feel free to forward any questions/concerns to Cst Perry in this manner or email her at sperry@oakbaypolice.org . Starting in November Cst Perry will be posting her office time at OB High through the morning announcements. She encourages everyone to come by to see her about any questions they may have or just even to chat.

Job Opportunities

O’Keeffe Automotive Service on 1220 Newport Avenue is looking for a part-time worker to come in a few days a week after school to do some basic office work (filing, data entry, etc.).   Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht if you are interested in applying.



Tsukino-Con 2019 Volunteer Opportunity – Tsukino-Con is a non-profit organization that hosts an annual anime, games, and Japanese culture convention on campus. We support a variety of charities including Child’s Play, the BC SPCA, as well as the Mustard Seed and UVIC Food Bank. This year’s event will be February 22-24, 2019.  There are several areas to volunteer, like registration, concession and snack bar, janitorial, coat check, info booth and so much more.  For more information on volunteering please click http://tsukinocon.com/volunteer/ .

Youth volunteer opportunities available to students.