September 21, 2017

Daily Announcements

SEPTEMBER 21st, 2017

  • CAFETERIA – Gourmet Hot Dogs/Fresh Baked Goodies


Nutty’s Locker will be open TODAY!

Club Day is TODAY.  Come and check out all of Oak Bay’s Clubs at lunch in the main hallway outside the office.

The Oak Bay tennis club begins October 6th at 7am in the bubble.

Please help out the OB Green Recycling Team by filling out a really short survey. Thanks

BIN 4 Burger Lounge and Lot 1 Pasta Bar are looking to hire all kitchen positions.  Email your resume to or

Run for the Cure is looking for volunteers on October 1st.  Please sign up online if you are interested.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre.  Run For The Cure Volunteering.


There will be a meeting Thursday in Room 304 during Focus block for any Oak Bay On-Line Planning students who did not attend last week’s meeting in the Theatre.

Any student who has paid for an agenda online, please come and see Mrs. Adams in the accounts office to collect.

Attention Students. Do you want to make a difference at Oak Bay High School.

We are looking for people who want to help fellow students math experience at OB excellent.

We are looking for Math TAs in every math class and every Learning strategies room.

AMP program:

  1.  Math Students:  Did you accelerate last year. Please see Mr. Spray to ensure you got your credits
  2.  Math Students:  Are you planning on completing a math course in September.  See Mr. Spray ASAP
  3.  Math Students:  New math 9s and International students.  Are you in the correct math class.  See Mr. Spray if you wish to write a placement test.

OPERA:  Anyone interested in going to see the opera “Jenufa” it’s on October 10th at 7:00 PM at the Royal Theatre.  Tickets are $15 and they can be purchased through Manjit in room 213 after school all week.  Friday will be the last day to purchase them.

The Practice SAT is scheduled to take place at Oak Bay on the morning of October 11th.   Grade 11 students interested in writing the PSAT need to see Mrs. Giesbrecht to sign up, pay a fee of $20.00 and receive study materials.  Seating is limited to students will be offered seats on a first come first serve basis.

Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship – Rotary Youth Exchange programs are open to students ages 16 – 18. The year you leave on exchange you must be at least 16 years old by August 16 and cannot turn 18 years old before August 15. To qualify, applicants should be above-average students who have demonstrated leadership in their community. Candidates should also possess qualities such as flexibility and a willingness to try new things that will enable them to fully experience life in another country and become excellent cultural ambassadors. For more information please go to  To apply please pick up an application in the Career Centre.   Applications are due into Mrs. Giesbrecht by noon on Sept 25th.

European Universities Consortium – If you are curious about studying in Europe please consider attending an information session at St. Michaels University School on Monday October 16th from 4:00 – 5:00 pm.  The following universities will be in attendance, Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (Switzerland), IE University (Spain), Jacobs University (Germany) and Universita Bocconit (Italy).

Study and Go Abroad – International University and Student Travel Expo is taking place on Sept 24th at the Vancouver Convention Centre from 12 noon – 5 pm.  For more information please go to

Volunteer Opportunity

The PAC secretary at Margaret Jenkins elementary is looking for students interested in volunteering to childmind during their PAC meetings.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht if you are interested.

Halloween volunteer opportunity – see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre for information.