Friday June 9, 2017

                                                            Daily Announcements

Friday June 9, 2017                                                                     FRIDAY – Cafeteria – kitchen closed today

STUDENTS – There will be a meeting during focus block TODAY, in the LIBRARY, for all students who have signed up for Dual Credit Psychology next year.

CAFETERIA KITCHEN – will be closed today (due to the Special Education grad ceremony) The last day the cafeteria kitchen will be open this year – is next Thursday June 15th.

YOUTH AGAINST CANCER – will be selling GIANT FREEZIES for $1.00 at lunch TODAY, in the Plaza.

Congratulations to all choir students on an AMAZING concert Tuesday night! ​CONGRATULATIONS to Chamber Choir for winning provincials at the Performing Arts BC Choral Competition.  They now go on to Nationals!       & Congratulations also to Men’s Choir for being Runner Up in the Men’s Choir Category

COMING UP NEXT WEEKMonday– Track and Field Awards dinner. Tuesday/Wednesday– 7 PM – Grade 9 Musical Theatre tickets $5. at the door.     Thursday– Lunchtime Dance Choreography (theatre).   Friday-Last day of classes noon/yearbook/BBQ.

Attention Female Volleyball Players: Vic High is hosting the 1st Annual High School Grass Volleyball Open on Saturday June 17th.  Check in with your volleyball coach if you are interested.​

AMP Program: Would the following students see Mr. Spray in 309 as soon as possible🙂 Gareth Reynolds,  Maddie Perry,  Amy Perry,  Cian Bond Harp,  Abigail Bowering,   Rohan Gupta,  Dominic Jiang,  Tanya Dodo,  Addie Chung,  Kento Uchimura,   Olivia Guo  &  Eric Cheng.

 MATH STUDENTS – If you are challenging a math course this summer, did you know you can do it at OB. See MR. Spray for details.  You can begin challenging the course now and finish in early September…





June 19


June 20


June 21


June 22


June 23

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30-11:00 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 English 12 Prov. Exam at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:30-3:00 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8 Make-Up Block

June 26


June 27


June 28


June 29


June 30

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00- 12:00 Com 12

Prov. Exam

Français Langue 12 Prov. Exam   10:00 am Report Cards

Picked Up

1:00 – 4:00 Rewrites and Missed Exams for English 10, Math 10, Science 10 Provincial Exams        


CAREER CENTRE    Local Oak Bay resident is looking for 1 or 2 students to help him with about 5 hours of gardening.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht for on how to contact him.

*GARDEN HELP – Local Oak Bay resident is looking for some help in the garden.  She is looking for someone who enjoys gardening and will pay $12 for an experienced gardener or $10 if she needs to train you.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht if you are interested.