Tuesday May 2, 2017

                                                           Daily Announcements

Tuesday May 2, 2017                                                              CAFETERIA – Sushi, Salads, fresh made Muffins

BALANCING OURS MINDS CONFERENCE – Students -planning to attend the “Balancing Our Minds” conference this Thursday May 4th.  at the Q Centre,  need to hand in their forms to-  Ms. Tate’s mail drawer in the office asap.

SENIOR BOYS RUGBY – please release the Senior Boys Rugby members at 2:45 today Block 2, for their game at Windsor.

EVENINGS OF DANCE- next Tue. May 9, Wed. May 10,  Thurs. May 11. 7:00pm in the Theatre.   Tickets on sale in the Accounts office- before school, at lunch and after school.

JAZZ BANDS – Festival today in Nanaimo. PHYSICS TRIP – today to Playland.   GOLF TEAM- tournament PM today and all day Wednesday. OUTDOOR PURSUITS CLUB- JDF Trail all Friday May 5- end of Monday May 8.

 AWARDS COMMITTEE -STAFF – will meet this Thursday May 4th at lunch in the Career Center.  All staff  are  invited – please bring your laptop.

Oak Bay High 4TH. ANNUAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL –    Oak Bay High Film & Television is happy to announce our 4th short film festival on June 9, 2017.  You have time to work on your entries. They are open to all Oak Bay students.  Entries must be no longer than 7 minutes and can be any category/genre.  Entries must submitted by June 2.  See Mr. Laird for details.

 ALL GRADE 12 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – ISP students – there is a mandatory meeting in the International room 202 this Friday May 5,  during FOCUS.

 CAREER CENTRE Volunteer Opportunity: The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Walk this year will be right here in Oak Bay at Willows Beach from 12:30 to 4 pm. on May 28th.    Please take a look at the link here to see what’s available and to sign up.

*Volunteer Opportunity:  DOGWOOD TRACK AND FIELD MEET  May 13th and 14th @ UVIC Centennial Stadium. Contact: Allison Randall  Volunteer Coordinator  250-380-9212  or speedymama@live.ca

*Grade 11 students are invited to apply to a Victoria Police Department Secondary Springboard.  There are 16 seats available for our school district students to take part in the policing world through interactive demonstrations and scenario-based simulations.  This will take place on May 9th from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Victoria Police Dept. 850 Caledonia Ave.  Applications are to be handed in to Mrs. Giesbrecht by May 3rd.  If you are interested please pick up an application in the Career Centre or click https://oakbay.sd61.bc.ca/student-info/career-center/

 *The Oak Bay Tea Party Association is looking for volunteers on June 3rd and 4th.  Please see Mrs. Giesbrecht in the Career Centre if you are interested.  These hours are acceptable for the Grad Transition 30 hour requirement. 

GRAD 2017 – All the information you and your grads need to know about Oak Bay High Grad 2017 is available on the school website.  To access this information from the website, select “Student Info” – “Oak Bay High School Grad 2017” and then click on the appropriate grad hat.  This year we will not be emailing information to parents and students individually.  The Grad 2017 website will be updated as more information is available.